
  • Tired of super sophisticated to-do and reminder apps?                           
  • Getting lazy to fill all of its parameters to create simple reminder?
  • Then relaying on your own memory and forgetting it again and again?

Reminder is just for you! It is the quickest and easiest way to schedule a reminder on the iPhone.

With Reminder, you can quickly draw a reminder on the touch screen, optionally enter some text, then set a date & time for when you want to be reminded. 

Our goal for Reminder is that it should take less than 10 seconds to create a reminder, and be possible to do so using only one hand.

By making it so efficient, you can easily make reminders for those little things that don't justify actually entering on the calendar. Things such as 'return phone call', or 'buy milk'

Reminder also can alert you when you leave a specific area, or when you arrive at one. Now you can have your iPhone alert you on the way home that you need to stop and get gas!